Many people are missing teeth due to a variety of reasons – from accidents and injuries, to congenital conditions, to the natural process of aging, having a gap in your smile is nothing to be self-conscious about. It’s important, however, to address missing teeth as quickly as possible to preserve your overall oral health. Both dentures and a dental implant in 78254 offer unique advantages when it comes to replacing your original dentition. The team at Laith Family Dentistry give their thoughts on the best option for you in this article.
What Are Dentures?
Commonly known, dentures are a removeable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Full dentures are entire rows of teeth – either the upper or lower jaw. Partial dentures are used when only some teeth are missing, but those that remain do not need to be extracted.
Why Dentures?
Dentures in 78254 offer a great solution for patients who are missing many teeth and want a cost-effective treatment option. Since dentures look so natural with advances in technology, they blend right in with your existing teeth. They are a great solution for patients who don’t have enough jawbone available to place an implant, and are also remarkably time-saving, too. Since these can be custom created in days (and sometimes, even hours), dentures are a fast solution for time-conscious patients.
What Are Dental Implants?
Dental Implants are artificial replacements that can substitute one, two, or even 10 teeth. They require a post to be placed in the jaw, and then an abutment is created – this is the part of the implant that the tooth-shaped “cap” will be fastened to. A porcelain dental crown is then affixed to the abutment to fill in the gaps of your smile.
Why Dental Implants?
Dental implants are effective and are quickly becoming the gold-standard of treatment for many people. If you have a healthy jaw, and a good amount of bone tissue, you could be a good candidate for implants. If your jawbone is compromised, they may still be an option for you after bone-grafting. Either way, having implants placed can actually strengthen your jaw.
Dental implants are remarkably durable, natural-looking, and save money for patients in the long run. Although they may be slightly more expensive up front, these can actually be less expensive for people over the course of a lifetime. They’re also great because they don’t come out – by being permanently placed, you can brush and floss like normal. Implants are a great way to avoid dental adhesive pastes, trouble speaking, or embarrassing slips while eating.
Now that you understand the benefits to both dentures and dental implants, schedule your appointment today with Drs. Kadamani and Dr.Samra at Laith Family Dentistry and restore your smile to its former glory!