If you’re missing one or more teeth, you may be considering replacing them with dental implants in San Antonio. This advanced restorative solution offers a variety of unique benefits that make them a popular choice among patients and professionals alike. One of these advantages is that, with the proper care, they can last for up to 35 years. Read on to learn five dental implant care tips to help you get the most out of your new replacement teeth.
Thoroughly Brush Twice Each Day
Just like with your natural teeth, it’s crucial to brush using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste once in the morning before breakfast and once in the evening, 30 minutes or longer after dinner. This will help control bacteria accumulation in your mouth and prevent the development of gum problems, such as gingivitis or periodontitis.
Floss At Least Once Every Day
Food debris can become lodged between your teeth and impact the accumulation of harmful oral bacteria. To keep this from happening, it’s crucial to floss between each of your teeth once a day. If you have difficulty maneuvering regular dental floss, you can always try an easier alternative, such as a Waterpik or flossing picks. These can make this task more efficient and effective.
Avoid Eating Hard or Sticky Foods
Hard, sticky, and chewy foods can increase your risk of damaging or breaking one of your new artificial teeth. To keep this from happening, it’s important to be mindful of what you’re chewing on. Try to avoid foods like chewy caramels, ice cubes, and popcorn kernels. If you bite on any of these the wrong way, it could land you in your emergency dentist’s treatment chair.
Quit Bad Habits Like Smoking & Drinking
Habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can have a grave impact on your dental implants if they go unchecked. Studies have shown that tobacco consumption can impact your immune system and cause an increased risk of implant failure. Additionally, alcohol consumption can cause dehydration and dry mouth, which are connected to an increase of harmful oral bacteria that can cause gum disease and implant rejection.
Regularly Visit Your Dentist
After your dental implant procedure is complete, it’s important to visit your dentist in San Antonio every six months for checkups and cleanings. That way, they can make sure that your implants are healthy and completely functional and take care of any small problems before they result in permanent damage to your smile.
Making an investment in dental implants is a big decision that you won’t regret. However, to get the most out of them and make sure that your body accepts and integrates with them to enjoy all of their benefits, it’s crucial to maintain them. With these five tips under your belt, you’ll be able to get the most out of your beautiful new smile.
About the Author
Dr. Racha Kadamani has over 18 years of experience in the dental field. She is passionate about helping her patients optimize their oral health and boost their confidence by offering high-quality restorative treatments, like dental implants. With her individualized and custom-tailored approach to dentistry, she strives to provide all of her patients with smiles that they feel proud of. For questions or to schedule a consultation for dental implants, visit Laith Family Dentistry’s website or call 210-782-6842.